Monday, June 22, 2015

Father's Day

Fred had a nice Father's day- we went to church where Jerry Kill spoke then met Fred's family at brunch, had a relaxing afternoon and went to my parents for dinner. It was a beautiful day!

More Birthday Party!

Lots of loved ones were there! Both great grandparents, both grandparents, aunties and great auntie and uncle etc.

Kinley turns 2!

We had a family and friend birthday party for the girls on Saturday which was Kinley's actual birthday. They had a ton of fun! It turned out to be a beautiful day!

More Mexico!

We got to see the dolphins every morning during breakfast as our hotel overlooked the downtown Marina. It was beautiful!

10 Year Anniversary and Mexico

Fred and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary on June 18th and we went on a trip to Cabo San Lucas Mexico for 4 days to celebrate! We had a blast and were able to relax which was so nice! We ended up being Honeymoon crashers too by staying at the same hotel as my cousin and her new husband- totally unplanned but very fun! Thanks to both of our parents for taking the kids!


Kinley LOVES to get into her sister's stuff! She always wants to be doing what big brother and sister are doing. She is getting so big and it makes me so sad she is truly not a baby anymore! I do love seeing her get so excited about things though and saying new words everyday! She also got to go out in grandpa and grandma's boat for the first time this year and loved it! She is so fun and brings us so much joy everyday!


Freddie started baseball this year and is loving it! It his really fun seeing him develop his skills!

Last Day of School!

Freddie finished his last day of 1st grade with Ms. Paulson on June 4th and Kaydlyn finished her last day of preschool with Ms. Mary on June 5th. I can't believe we are going to have a kindergartener and 2nd grader next year!!! Where does the time

Kaydlyn's Dance Recital

Kaydlyn had her 2nd dance recital this year and did a great job! It was so fun to see her skills develop just from last year!

Kayldyn's Elsa Party

Kaydlyn celebrated her 5th birthday with friends and Elsa made an appearance! What a fun day!