Thursday, January 30, 2014

Kinley is 7 Months!

Kinley turned 7 Months on January 20th! We can't believe how fast her 1st year is going! She is enjoying her solids a little more now. She especially likes carrots, bananas and pears! She is sitting well on her own now and gets on all fours and rocks back and forth. She has actually creeped forward a few times to get a toy, so she is very close to crawling! She is also trying to grab on to things and start to pull herself up. Freddie and Kaydlyn are still loving her to pieces and can't get enough of her! She is such a great baby and we are enjoying every minute with her!

Snowy Fun!

The kids have gotten out and enjoyed the snow a little this winter with the neighbor kids when it hasn't been too cold!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Fondue Time

We made Fondue tonight and it was the kids first time! They loved it!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

We had a great time last night with friends! Freddie even made it until well after midnight! We are all a little tired today but did manage to get all the Christmas decorations down this morning already and some cleaning done! We hope you all have a Healthy, Happy New Year! Blessings to all!

Christmas in Arkansas

We celebrated Christmas in Arkansas over the weekend. The kids did great on the plane and we had a great time spending time with grandma, grandpa, Auntie Carol, Uncle Chester, Auntie Charmaine and Auntie Racquel! Of course Freddie's favorite part was riding on the Gator with grandpa!