Wednesday, December 26, 2012

More Christmas...


We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my side. Santa came to visit the kids. The kids got spoiled again and they have been enjoying playing with everything.It was another great Christmas!

Making Jesus' Birthday cake

It is a yearly tradition to make Jesus a Birthday cake. This year Kaydlyn helped us as well.

Christmas with the Harris'

We celebrated with Fred's side of the family on Sunday, Dec. 16th before they left for Arkansas. The kids were very spoiled as always! Freddie got a remote control monster truck that he LOVES and Kaydlyn is obsessed with all the princesses she got. I think they have been with her almost 24/7 since she got them. It was a great day!

Making Santa Cookies

Freddie helped me make some cookies this year. He loves baking!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


We took the kids to see Santa tonight. They both loved sitting on his lap!
Freddie told him he wanted an air hockey table and a hotwheels race track and Kaydlyn just said she wanted princesses.