Saturday, November 26, 2011

More Parade

Holidazzle Parade

We took the kids to the Holidazzle Parade downtown Mpls. last night with our neighbors. It was an absolutely gorgeous night to be out and the kids loved all the lights!

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Freddie helped me decorate the tree last weekend!

Little Goofballs

The kids were licking their bowls clean the other day. They were actually copying me since I was sipping soup from a bowl! Silly kids!


We had a nice Thanksgiving with family! Archie and Fred made a wonderful meal as always! It was nice to see Racquel again and spend time with Charmaine as well.

Little Bucket Heads

The kids were having fun a couple weeks back playing with their bucket. Kaydlyn was copying everything Freddie was doing.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


The kids enjoyed trick or treating this year and brought home WAY too much candy of course! Kaydlyn only made it to a few houses but Freddie and his friend Alivia made it through a good chunk of the neighborhood. It was a beautiful night to be out!

Carving Pumpkins

Grandpa and Grandma McGill came over to help carve pumpkins on Sunday night. Freddie also helped grandma frost cupcakes which he really enjoyed!

My little Lady Bug and Thomas the Train

I took the kids to a neighborhood Halloween Party on Saturday night. They had a lot of fun getting their faces painted and watching a movie outside. Freddie was a trooper having a sore little mouth from his surgery the day before.