Friday, August 26, 2011

More Zoo

Minnesota Zoo

Grandma Nancy and I took the kids to the MN zoo today. The kids had a great time looking at all the animals, playing in the park and playing in the water! It was a beautiful day!

Mowing the Lawn

Freddie helped daddy mow the lawn last night. It was really cute.

More Carver County Fair

Carver County Fair

We took the kids to the Carver County Fair a couple weekends ago. They had a blast walking (running) around, playing in the sandbox, eating the food and going on the rides.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Perfect day for a Picnic

The kids, Riley and I took a long walk this morning, stopped at a couple parks and had a picnic. Again- just loving my summer time with them and soaking it all in! I just love all the memories in the making!

More beach and boat time

Kaydlyn and Freddie both LOVE the boat and don't mind their life jackets either.

Fun times at the beach

Sunday afternoon the kids had a great time playing on grandma and grandpa's beach in the Prior Lake. The summer is flying by and we are just enjoying it as much as possible!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Homemade Popsicles

Kaydlyn had her first popsicle today and LOVED it! She actually had a fit when it was done because she wanted more- that would be my little eater! Freddie also enjoyed his and made a mess but not as much as Kaydlyn. At least they were healthy since I made them.

More Summer Fun

Summer Fun

The kids have been having a great time in the water and playing with friends this summer. I truly feel blessed I am able to be home with them in the summer! I cherish this time!

4th of July

Freddie was in Arkansas with grandma and grandpa Harris this year so it was just Kaydlyn and us. We had a good day at my parents house in Prior Lake.

Up to no good!

Kaydlyn is our little monkey! She climbs onto everything now! At 12 months she crawled out of her crib and now is almost 14 months and mastering those climbing skills even more. She also likes to get into everything! As you can she in the pictures she already likes purses by always getting into mommy's! She truly has a wonderful personality and makes us laugh everyday. She is starting to be a little sassy already- can't wait for the teenage years! She is one tough little cookie though!