Monday, December 26, 2011

More Christmas

Christmas Day

We had the family over to our house on Christmas Day. It was another day full of love and joy!

Christmas Morning

Santa came! And brought a train table and other goodies for Freddie and a dollhouse bookshelf for Kaydlyn amongst other things. Like I said the kids were spoiled!

Cookies for Santa

The kids left some cookies and mild for Santa and some carrots for the Reindeer


The kids received a lot of nice things- way too many things actually! They have had a ton of fun playing with everything!

More Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

We celebrated Christmas Eve at my parents house. It was a wonderful day with family! My cousin Jason and his wife Laura came from Colorado with their new baby Audrey along with my aunt and uncle Elaine and Brian and cousin Adam. My grandpa McGill was there as well as my grandma Laurraine. My sisters family made it in from Wisconsin and my brother made it back late that evening too. It was a full house but full of love and joy! It truley was a wonderful Christmas!

Jesus' Birthday Cake

Freddie helped me bake Jesus' Birthday cake on Christmas Eve morning. He is quite the little baker!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Baking snowmen

Freddie and I made some yummy snowmen this weekend. He is my little baker!

Freddie's 1st Christmas Concert

Freddie had his 1st concert yesterday at the CCC. He did a good job staying on stage and "trying" to sing.

Trying on Freddie's hat

Our silly little girl loves to copy everything her brother does including wearing his hat.

Our Little Sweetie

Friday, December 2, 2011

Visiting Santa at the CCC

We took the kids to see Santa tonight at the Chaska Community Center. They had a good time. Kaydlyn wasn't so sure about him but didn't cry. Freddie asked for his train table and wasn't scared of him this year. The kids also got to meet the reindeer named button which they thought was pretty cool and I am not going to lie- I did too!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

More Parade

Holidazzle Parade

We took the kids to the Holidazzle Parade downtown Mpls. last night with our neighbors. It was an absolutely gorgeous night to be out and the kids loved all the lights!