Saturday, July 19, 2008

Freddie is 5 months

Freddie turned 5 months old on Friday, June 18th. He is much bigger than his bear now. Riley wanted to get in the picture as well.

First Starts Eating Solids!

We started Freddie on rice cereal this past week. It is a messy work in progress:-)

Freddie's day at the pool

Kelly and I took Freddie to the pool for the first time together. She has been there multiple times with him, but it was the first time all 3 of us went. It was fun and hot! Freddie seems to like the water.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Future friend

Kelly's friend, Jasmine, visited over the weekend. Freddie was able to make a new friend, Cason.

Future Blue Devil

Freddie is already supporting the right color of blue!

4th of July

Freddie celebrated his first 4th of July. We spent the day out at the lake with Kelly's family. We didn't stay awake for fireworks though:-)